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Primary School

Lunsford: A Journey of Success and Excellence

Year 1

Please find all resources and plans here for the Year 1 Home Learning! smiley

Below I have included a very rough outline of subjects to be completed each day which is the same outline that will be followed for Key Worker students within school.

Please get in touch via Dojo if you have any questions or issues.


Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics Phonics
English English English English English
Maths Maths Maths Maths Maths
PE PSHE Science Topic Computing


Internet Links


Some parents have mentioned that accessing the links in the documents have not worked correctly.  All external links in the Home Learning documents will also be available here under the appropriate week.

PSHE Resource

English Resources

PSHE Extension Tasks

Speed Sounds Video


Leaf Images - if required for sequencing the story

PE Dance - Lesson 4

Yoga - Squish the Fish

January Week 4 25th-29th

English - Wednesday


I have had a question about today's English task so I thought I would give some extra guidance for everyone just in case.  The task for today is to give Leaf an idea about how he might escape the island as his wings made out of leaves didn't work very well.


You're child can be as creative or logical/illogical as they want.  Maybe they suggest making a submarine out of logs, buying a boat ticket, building a raft or simply swimming all the way back to the North Pole.


Ask your child "How else could Leaf get home?" and see what they come up with!

English Resource

Science Experiment Week 4

PE Lesson

January Week 3 (18th-22nd)

English Wednesday Illustrations

PE Dance - Lesson 2

Rainbow Waterfall

Topic Resources

Cosmic Kids - Minecraft

January Week 2 (11th-15th)

PE Dance Lesson 1

Design and Technology Resource

PSHE Resources

Moon and Stars

PSHE - Jam Sandwich

#DrawWithRob - Superhero Bear

Cosmic Kids - Coco the Butterfly

January Week 1 (5th - 8th)

English Images

Science Resources (please choose 1 of the worksheets below or the other option detailed in the planning)

PSHE Extension Activity
