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Primary School

Lunsford: A Journey of Success and Excellence

Koala (Year 4)



Autumn Term 1

I hope that you all had a relaxing and safe six weeks holiday and are ready for the new school term! I am really excited to be teaching you all again this year! This year, the children will have Miss Broadmore and we are supported by Mr Murray and Mrs Barton. On a Friday (either morning or afternoon - this will alternate each term), Mrs Regan will be teaching core topics, such as spellings, grammar and writing skills. She will also be teaching RE and French. We have so much to get through this year and will be starting as we mean to go on! 



In English this term, we will be reading a picture book called 'One Plastic Bag' by Miranda Paul. It is a  picture book telling the true story of how one woman in Africa began a movement to recycle the plastic bags that were polluting her community. In Isatou Ceesay's village was becoming cluttered up with discarded plastic bags, causing problems for animals (who choke on them) and attracting disease-bearing insects. This book will allow for lots of different writing opportunities: balanced arguments, descriptions, non-fiction writing, poetry and playscripts. 


Grammar topics will be taught once a week as a discrete lesson (singular and plural nouns; pronouns; standard English; compound words; adverbs to express time and cause)  This term, we will be looking at concepts from year 3 and recapping these.

Finally, spellings will be taught three times a week , with all practising and testing completed within school. We will be following Spelling Shed and it is really important children practice spelling at home too. 




In Maths this term, children will be working through the Place Value unit and Addition and Subtraction unit of White Rose Maths. This includes: representing numbers to 1000 and 10000; partitioning numbers; using number lines; Roman numerals; rounding to the nearest 10, 100 and 1000; add and subtracting four digit numbers; estimating numbers. In lessons, children will have the opportunity to practise the 'fluency' of each concept before moving onto reasoning and problem solving. 

Times Tables will be taught twice a week and each week, the class will get a chance to use Times Tables Rock Stars at school, as mental calculations are so important in all aspects of mathematics! Children can also use this website at home to develop their efficiency and accuracy in times tables. 


Science: States of Matter

Geography: Plastic Pollution 

Computing: Computer Systems and Networks - the Internet

Art: Drawing: Power prints 

RE: What can we learn from religions about deciding what is right and wrong? 

PSHE: Being Me (goals and aspirations);

French: Presenting Myself;

Music: Violins/ Charanga.


PE will take place twice a week: Monday with Mr Dickinson and Wednesday afternoons. Children need to wear their PE kits on these days. Forest School will take place regularly throughout the term: a list of dates are on Class Dojo. 

Homework will be sent home on a Thursday to be returned to school the following Wednesday to be marked as a whole class. The children should complete their work in their homework book. Homework will be arithmetic or calculations practice and reading comprehension. All homework is discussed with the children before they take it home. However, if your child is unsure what to do, please encourage them to ask the class teacher for help before it is due in. 

The children should all be reading regularly at home, particularly if they are not confident readers. It is useful if children are discussing their reading with an adult to develop their comprehension and discussion skills and filling in their reading records with comments about what they are reading. The children are welcome to bring in a suitable reading book from home if they wish. 







Writing and spellings, grammar and punctuation (GPS)


