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Primary School

Lunsford: A Journey of Success and Excellence

Elephant Class (Year 1)


Welcome to Year 1!

Elephant Class is taught by Miss Graves with Mrs Birchard.


Miss Graves has PPA on a Monday at the end of the day - Mr Dickinson is teaching PE at this time and will be the lead adult in covering the class supported by Mrs Birchard and they will see the class out at the end of the day. 

Also on Thursday afternoons, Mrs Regan will be teaching the class at this time and Mrs Birchard will be supporting. They will see the class out at the end of the day. 



Year 1 introduces Class Dojo to both parents and students, which focuses on rewarding students for following our three main school rules:

  • Be Safe
  • Be Ready
  • Be Respectful

Miss Graves is always contactable through Class Dojo or through the school office, should you wish to get in touch-



General Elephant Class Notices –

  • Homework will begin from term 1 after the meet the teacher meeting and will be sent home on a Thursday and returned the following Wednesday. This will consist of one piece of Maths. If your child is unsure with a piece of homework please do not hesitate to get in touch as this can be looked at together in school.
  • The homework will be marked with the children and I will go through the homework with them as a class. 
  • Students will also be issued a weekly levelled reading book based on ability and these will be changed every Thursday. Reading is extremely important for many areas within child development and should be completed daily. As well as a banded reading book, the students are also welcome to choose and borrow a book from our class reading garden to take home and read with their adults. Children will be encouraged to use this facility as giving them the option to choose their own reading material promotes reading for pleasure and a love for learning, which we value so deeply at Lunsford Primary School.
  • PE will be on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please ensure that children come into school wearing their PE kits on these days. Earrings should be removed unless your child can remove them independently in school. All PE kits must be named and should be appropriate for the weather conditions. An extra pair of socks may be useful on rainy days!
  • There will be two Forest School sessions a term and these will be posted on Class Dojo and can be found on the class Newsletter.

Autumn Term One


In English this term we will be reading the book ‘One Day on our Blue Planet- The Savannah’, by Ella Bailey. Minding his mother and playing with his father, this little lion cannot help chasing trouble and fun as he explores the little corner of that big blue planet he shares with us.

We look at reading and writing non-chronological reports and poetry!

This also ties in with our Printing Study in Art, where we will apply a variety different printing techniques to create a piece of artwork that reflects the African Savannah.



This term Elephant Class will be learning place value (within 10) and will include sorting, counting and representing objects (as well as lots more). They will then move on to addition and subtraction (within 10) towards the end of the term where they will be introduced to parts and wholes, as well as writing number sentences.


We will also be using NumBots this year so that students can practice their maths learning at home and in the classroom. Your child will be provided with an account login which can be found in the front of their reading record. In school we will have lots of practice using this website as part of our computing time!



This term in phonics we will continue to use the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised scheme to practice blending phonemes and digraphs to develop fluency in our reading. We will be revisiting Phase 2 and 3 sounds, reviewing Phase 3/4 and learning Phase 5 GPCs.  


Science: Seasonal Changes (Autumn)

Topic – History: Victorians (including Florence Nightingale)

Computing: Technology Around Us

Art: Drawing: make your mark 

RE: What does it mean to belong to a Faith Community? 1.7

PSHE: Being Me In My World

Music:  My Musical Heartbeat!

PE: Travelling and Moving With Equipment

Autumn Term Two


In English this term we will be reading the story ‘The Emperor’s Egg’, by Martin Jenkins. The Emperor penguin is the only large animal to remain on the Antarctic mainland throughout its bitterly inhospitable winter. Once the female has laid her egg, she heads back to the sea, leaving the male to incubate it. This story will help us to explore how they survive in such cold conditions. 


We will be exploring non-fiction text and learning to write in role.



Maths this term will continue on from our addition and subtraction (within 10) topic and will involve learning about fact families, number bonds (within and to 10) and adding numbers together. We will continue to use NumBots as a resource in school and encourage the use of this at home too.



Following the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds revised scheme we move on to learning Phase 5 graphemes and continue to develop our fluency in reading and writing.


Science: Seasonal Changes (Winter)

Topic – Geography: Our Local Area

Computing: Creating Media- Digital Painting

DT: Constructing Windmills

RE: Who is a Christian and what do they believe?

PSHE: Celebrating Differences

Music: Dance, Sing and Play!

PE: Sending and Receiving with Hands

Spring Term One


This term we will be reading ‘The Lonely Beast’ by Chris Judge. This is a tale about a lonely beast who decides to take a dangerous quest to find others like him. Trekking over mountains and swimming across seas, will he find what he is searching for?

We will be exploring different word types, (such as verbs, adverbs, adjectives, conjunctions and nouns) and how we can use them to write excellent sentences.



In maths we will continue to learn more about place value, however we will move on to explore place value within 20. We will also be moving on to addition and subtraction of larger numbers (within 20).



Phonics will continue to look at the Phase 5 graphemes, with new tricky words introduced, as well as exploring what makes them tricky. We will continue to apply our phonics learning to our reading and writing to continue developing fluency.


Science: Everyday Materials

Topic – History: Changes in Our Living Memory

Computing: Programming- Moving a Robot

Art:  Painting and mixed media: colour splash

RE: Who is a Christian and what do they believe?

PSHE: Dreams and Goals

Music: Exploring Sounds

PE: Gymnastics

Spring Term Two


In English for term four we will be reading the book ‘Beegu’, by Alexis Deacon. The story is about a little creature who gets lost on planet Earth and the people are not very welcoming to her. This story ties in nicely with our DT learning this term where we will be making spaceships to help Beegu travel home safely.

English will have a focus on giving instructions, writing in role and writing letters.



In maths we will move on to place value of even larger numbers (within 50), explore length and height and the appropriate measurements for these and finish off the term looking at mass and volume.



Phonics will continue to look at the Phase 5 graphemes, with new tricky words introduced, as well as exploring what makes them tricky. We will continue to apply our phonics learning to our reading and writing to continue developing fluency.


Science: Animals Including Humans 

Topic – Geography:  Daily Weather Patterns

Computing: Data and Information- Grouping Data

DT: Textiles- Puppets

RE: How and why do we celebrate special and sacred times?

PSHE: Healthy Me

Music: Learning to Listen

PE: Sending and Receiving with Feet and Stick

Summer Term One


In English this term we will be reading the book ‘Man on the Moon’, by Simon Bartram. It is Bob's job to keep the moon clean and tidy. He also welcomes tourist spaceships and gives guided tours. Bob's daily routine is described in a matter of fact tone, and his disbelief in aliens is frequently referred to. 

We will be learning about writing to persuade our audience and the key features we need to be able to do this. We will also look at narrative writing and create some of our own.  



This term is a busy term for us in maths! We will be learning about multiplication and division, fractions, and our geometry unit which looks at position and direction.



Phonics will continue to look at the Phase 5 graphemes, with new tricky words introduced, as well as exploring what makes them tricky. We will continue to apply our phonics learning to our reading and writing to continue developing fluency.


Science: Seasonal Changes (Spring and Summer)

Topic – History: Inspirational People- Neil Armstrong

Computing: Creating Media- Digital Writing

Art: Sculpture and 3D: Paper play

RE: What makes some places sacred?

PSHE: Relationships

Music: Having Fun with Improvisation 

PE: Sending and Receiving with Hands

Summer Term Two


In English this term we will be reading the book ‘The Secret of Black Rock’, by Joe Todd. This surreal modern folk-tale tells the story of an adventurous young girl who must protect a peaceful living creature.

We will be learning about writing to persuade our audience and the key features we need to be able to do this, as well as narrative writing.



For our final term of maths in year 1 we will be focusing on place value (within 100), looking at money and its value, as well as starting to learn to tell the time!



Phonics will continue to look at the Phase 5 graphemes, with new tricky words introduced, as well as exploring what makes them tricky. We will continue to apply our phonics learning to our reading and writing to continue developing fluency.


Science: Plants

Topic – Geography: 4 Countries of the UK- Capital Cities and Seas

Computing: Programming- Animations

DT: Cooking and nutrition: smoothies

RE: What makes some places sacred?

PSHE: Changing Me

Music:  Let's Perform Together

PE: Athletics

Curriculum Map 2024-2025

Other helpful resources: 











