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Primary School

Lunsford: A Journey of Success and Excellence


Music Subject Lead- Mrs Bland (Year 2 Class Teacher)

Music is an important part of Lunsford Primary School. In timetabled lessons, children learn rhythm, melody, percussion technique, singing and music appreciation. Every week we have a singing assembly where children learn a wide variety of new songs. 

Children in Key Stage 2 are given the free opportunity to play the violin in group lessons. Those children that want to continue with this can then do so, although there is a cost to these additional lessons.

During the year, children put on performances for Christmas, show assemblies and a year 6 leaving production- all these involve music and singing to an audience. Whenever possible, the school enters local music festivals and events.  


This year we have an African drumming workshop visiting us to celebrate 'Cultural Diversity Day'. We also have an opportunity to create music outdoors! 


Some of the children take part in rock band music lessons, with the 'iRock' team. These sessions take place every Monday afternoon and allow them to work with experienced and passionate band coaches. They encourage the children to work as a team to develop not only musical skills, but also life skills that provide a solid foundation for later in life. 

Music Development Plan 2024-2025

Progression Map and Subject Action Plan

 Autumn 1Autumn 2Spring 1Spring 2Summer 1Summer 2
Year 1My Musical HeartbeatDance, Sing and Play!Exploring SoundsLearning to ListenHaving Fun with ImprovisationLet's Perform Together
Year 2Pulse, Rhythm and PitchPlaying in an OrchestraInventing a Musical StoryRecognising Different SoundsExploring ImprovisationOur Big Concert
Year 3Writing Music DownPlaying in a BandCompose Using Your ImaginationMore Musical StylesEnjoying ImprovisationOpening Night
Year 4Musical StructuresExploring Feelings When You PlayCompose with Your FriendsFeelings Through MusicExpression and ImprovisationThe Show Must Go On!
Year 5Melody and Harmony in MusicSing and Play in Different StylesComposing and ChordsEnjoying Musical StylesFreedom to Improvise Battle of the Bands!
Year 6Music and TechnologyDeveloping Ensemble SkillsCreative CompositionMusical Styles Connect UsImprovising with Confidence Farewell Tour

