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Primary School

Lunsford: A Journey of Success and Excellence

Sports Premium


PE and Sports Premium 


At Lunsford Primary School we value the difference that Physical Education makes to the health and well-being of our children. We believe that a varied and innovative curriculum and extra-curricular opportunities can have a positive influence on the concentration, attitude and achievement in all areas of  our young people’s lives.  


The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, in the 2023 to 2024 academic year, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles.


Sport Premium is a government funded payment aimed at improving and increasing the provision of PE in schools across the country.  The amount of money paid is based on the number of pupils in the school and it is ring-fenced, meaning it has to be spent solely on PE. It is also expected that the money is spent in a manner that will improve PE in school in a sustainable manner. Therefore, when the money is no longer available, PE provision will have improved as a result of this funding.

Allocations for the academic year 2023 to 2024 are calculated using the number of pupils in years 1 to 6, as recorded in the January 2023 census, as follows schools with 17 or more pupils receive £16,000 plus £10 per pupil. Therefore Lunsford Primary School will receive £17780 for the 2023-24 academic year.


Please read the attached document below which comprehensively sets out our vision and impact of Sports Funding and PE provision at Lunsford Primary School:



Evidencing the Impact 2023-2024

Sport Premium Impact Reports 2023-2024 

Evidencing the Impact 22-23

Evidence Impact Document

Evidencing the Impact 2021-2022

Sport Premium Impact Reports 2021-2022 

Sport Premium Impact Reports 2020-2021


Evidencing the Impact 2020-2021


Evidencing the Impact and Impact Reports 2019-2020
Evidencing the Impact and Impact Reports 2016-2019

How are we spending the PE funding?

We believe PE is a hugely important part of the curriculum and we pride ourselves on offering children many opportunities to get involved in sport, both during and after school. This funding has enabled us to employ the services of outside agencies and a specialist PE teacher to come into the school and provide High Quality PE and Sport sessions each week to all children.

We have employed the services of a local company PASS Ltd (Physical Activity & Sports Specialists) set up in conjunction with the Maidstone School Sport Partnership Network as we know that the expertise, drive and energy, of the team, will allow us to deliver some of the above and, equally importantly, will provide training for teachers to enable them to become more confident in the delivery of day to day aspects of PE. This will ultimately impact the children through higher quality, sustainable PE teaching and ensure our offer to all children is fun, active and engaging.

The funding has also been used to supplement our active play equipment.


What will the impact of this funding be for our school?

• All pupils from YR to Y6 will receive one hour per week of team teaching alongside a professional sports coach.

• We have decided to provide the extra funding to enable our YR pupils to take part in the weekly activities. The government funding  is only available from Y1.

• Our staff will receive one hour per week of professional development in order to enhance their own PE teaching.

• Pupil will be provided with a PE timetable which will encourage and enhance their physical skills. These skills will be formatted to provide a natural progression from YR to Y6.

• Pupils showing exceptional skills in an area of the PE curriculum will be provided with links to professional outside sports agencies.

• The PE lessons provide pupils with the opportunity to practice all sports skills including football, basketball, gymnastics, hockey, dance and athletic games.

• Pupils will have the opportunity to take part in local sports day events involving friendly competition between local schools.

• Pupils will have the opportunity to attend after school clubs of football, netball and multi-sports.

Here are our previous action plans for PE: