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Primary School

Lunsford: A Journey of Success and Excellence

Remote Learning

If a child does not have access to a device and/or the internet, the school will do all it can to support children and will provide paper packs of learning, if we are unable to provide a device. Where funding can be accessed, remote devices (eg, iPad) and/or 4G connections will be sought, particularly for disadvantaged children. Parents will be reminded to make the school aware of any barriers to accessing remote learning.


You will find here an overview of lessons to be completed each day. These are set on the child’s class story page of Class Dojo. These are uploaded by 9am each day. All subjects are covered over time, a focus on a particular subject may happen over a period of days.


It will provide learning across the curriculum and children will be expected to spend a similar amount of time completing this as they would spend learning in school.


We are striving to teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school. So we are following our long term plans but are making adaptions e.g. moving some of the plans around to use more suitable areas for remote learning. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, our more practical sessions e.g. PE, music, art, DT etc may have to be adapted to suit the resources and space you will have at home.


Screen free time

We are aware that children are working in front of a screen for a greater period of time. 



Please refer to Child Protection Policy (including Jan 2021 addendum), Online Safety Policy and Acceptable Use Policies .


Data protection

When accessing personal data, all staff members will: Only use their official school email account and connect to the school network.


Sharing personal data

Staff members are unlikely to need to collect and/or share personal data. However, if it does become necessary, staff are reminded to collect and/or share as little personal data as possible online. All data collection will be compliant with GDPR guidelines.


Keeping devices secure

All staff will take appropriate steps to ensure their devices remain secure. Computers should be locked if left inactive for a period of time. Operating systems must be up to date – always install the latest updates.


Monitoring arrangements

Remote learning will be reviewed by the SLT as and when updates to home learning are provided by the government. We track pupil engagement weekly. 


Expectation on engagement

We expect all children who are well to engage in learning. The class teacher will be in touch initially to see how they can support with adaptions to help every child in their class be accessing the learning supplied. This may be agreeing an alternative approach to learning. If no engagement continues then a member of the leadership team will be in touch to discuss a plan for engagement.


This policy is linked to our:

  • Behaviour policy

  • Child Protection and Safeguarding policy

  • GDPR policy

  • Online safety policy

  • Staff Code of Conduct

  • Acceptable Use Policies

Remote Learning Charter for the schools in The Malling Partnership

Welcome to our Remote Learning Zone


Dear Lunsford Parents and Carers,


The next few weeks, and possibly longer, will continue to be challenging. We are in an unprecedented time and we continue to do the very best we can for you, your children and your families. The staff team will continue to work as hard as they can to provide support in different ways for our children at home as well as our key worker and vulnerable children still in school. 


Through each year group tab, you will find resources that can be used at home.  You will find a link for the weekly home learning set by teachers which will also be sent to you via Class Dojo and ParentMail.  If you have a printer, you can download and print these.  If not, please pick a page to work through in the exercise book that we sent home. This can then be photographed and uploaded onto Class Dojo.  


We strongly encourage all of our families to build some time for learning into your daily routine while isolating. This will ensure that your children remain stimulated and mentally exercised during their time at home. It will also be good for the mental health of the whole family to have a new skill to learn or a project to work on. Please do as much learning as suits you as a family.  So much learning happens from spending time with your children and doing things around the house (cooking, gardening) so take the time to enjoy these things together. 


As ever, we recommend regular reading, spelling and arithmetic at home in order to practise and maintain core skills.


Here you will find weekly home learning tasks, split into appropriate year groups. Click on your child's year group below.






Some guidance on supporting your mental health and that of your children:


Coronavirus and your wellbeing –

Supporting young people’s mental health during this period – Anna Freud Centre - Harold’s daily blog


Here are some links sourced by Mrs Davies to help us deal with this new situation we now find ourselves living in.


Home schooling resilience – ideas and suggestions to help children cope with home schooling, e.g. having goals and schedules


Just For Kids: A Comic Exploring The New Coronavirus

Please take some time to look at the power of kindness documents below:

