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Primary School

Lunsford: A Journey of Success and Excellence

Lion (Year 3)

   Welcome to Lion Class! 




Lion Class are taught by Miss Broadmore and Mrs Bland on Friday afternoons. We are supported by Mrs James and Mrs Coster. 


If you need to speak to one of us, please contact us using Class Dojo or come and speak to us! We are always available at the beginning and end of each day. 


Term Five 


This term in English we are reading Oliver and the Seawigs by Philip Reeve and Sarah McIntyre. This is a fantastically fun book about a young explorer named Oliver, who sets off on a wild adventure when his parents disappear. Along the way Oliver meets Iris, a short-sighted mermaid with a very unique singing voice, Cliff, a wandering island, and Mr Culpeper, a grumpy albatross. Together they must help Cliff prepare for the seawig competition (at which the Rambling Isles show off the wigs made from the objects they have found on their travels), and rescue Oliver’s explorer parents. We will be writing in role, writing diary entries, setting and character descriptions and writing fact files! We will also be writing our own adventure sea stories. 




This term we will be learning about mass and capacity: identifying masses in g and kg, finding equivalent masses and adding and subtracting mass. We will be continuing our learning on Fractions: adding and subtracting fractions and finding fractions of an amount. We will also begin our unit on Money: converting pounds and pence, adding and subtracting money and finding change from an amount. 


Science- Plants 

Geography- Volcanoes and Earthquakes 

Computing: Desktop Publishing 

DT: Food Technology 

RE: Why do people pray? 

PSHE: Relationships

Music: Charanga

PE: Football with Mr Dickinson (Monday) and Cricket with Miss Broadmore (Tuesday) 


This term we will be performing our Country Dancing and have our Show Assembly! 







Term Four


This term in English we are reading The Iron Man by Ted Hughes. A small boy called Hogarth has the idea of sending him to a scrapyard to feed him metal and keep him out of the way. Meanwhile a giant dragon appears to get larger in space and makes it's way to earth. The Iron Man is suddenly called upon to help save the world. We will be writing diary entries, character descriptions, writing persuasively and writing our own newspaper reports!




With Mrs Regan, Lion Class will be continuing to focus on their 4 and 8 multiplication and division facts. During this term, we will continuing our learning on measurement.  We will be measuring accurately in cm and mm, finding equivalent lengths and measuring and calculating perimeter. We will begin our learning on Fractions: understanding the numerator and denominator, comparing and ordering unit and non-unit fractions and finding the whole.



Science- Rocks 

We have a very special visit from Mr Berry later in the term for a Rock Day!

History- The Bronze and Iron Age 

Computing: Branching Databases 

Art: Pottery 

RE: Why are festivals important to religious communities? 

PSHE: Healthy Me 

Music: Charanga

PE: Hockey with Mr Dickinson (Monday) and Swimming (Friday) 


This term we will be practicing and learning country dancing! 







Term Three 


This term in English we are reading Ug Boy Genius of The Stone Age by Raymond Briggs. Ug and his parents are living in the Stone Age. And that means stone blankets, stone cold food, an even colder cave and, worst of all, hard stone trousers! Being an inquisitive and intelligent child, Ug suggests a series of modifications to improve the quality of family life. We will be writing instructions, recounts, poetry and persuasive letters. We will also be writing non- chronological reports about The Stone Age. 



We will be continuing to learn our 4 and 8 times tables. Children will learn short multiplication and division as well as scaling. 

During this term, we will start our unit on Measurement, we will be measuring accurately in cm and mm, finding equivalent lengths and learning about perimeter. 



Science- Forces and Magnets 

History- The Stone Age  

Computing: Sequencing Sounds 

Art: Cave Paintings 

RE: What do different people believe about God?  

PSHE: Dreams and Goals 

Music: Charanga

PE: Swimming and Gymnastics with Mr Dickinson 






Term Two 



This term in English we will be reading Arthur and The Golden Rope by Joe Todd-Stanton. Arthur decides to make the journey to the great hall and help Thor catch the wicked Fenrir. There, he is set the almost impossible task of sourcing magical elements to make a Golden Rope. In an exciting battle, it seems as if all is lost, until Arthur proves that even a small boy can be the most unlikely of heroes. We will be writing in role, writing character and setting descriptions and planning and writing our own adventure stories. 




This term we will be continuing to learn column addition and subtraction, estimating and using the inverse. We will be beginning to learn our 3, 4 and 8 times tables and using this knowledge to answer worded problems. 


Science- Light 

Geography- Brazil  

Computing: Creating media- Stop frame animation  

DT: Pneumatic Toys 

RE: How do family life and festivals show what matters to Jewish people? 

PSHE: Celebrating Difference

Music: Charanga

PE: Swimming and Dance 






Term One 



This term in English we will be reading two books by Anthony Browne, 'Into The Forest' and 'Gorilla'. We will be exploring the use of illustrations and how they add meaning to the stories. We will be writing character and setting descriptions, writing in role as a character, writing letters, writing to persuade and writing speech ensuring we use inverted commas correctly! 




This term Lion Class will be learning some new concepts as well as recapping Year 2 concepts: 

Place Value- counting forwards/backwards to 1000, partitioning 3 digit numbers in different ways, identifying, estimating and representing numbers, counting in 50s and ordering numbers in ascending and descending order. 


Addition and Subtraction- adding ones, tens and hundreds to 3 digit numbers. spotting patterns and learning to use column method to add and subtract. 


Science- Animals Including Humans/Light 

History- The Romans 

Computing: Computing systems and networks 

DT; Roman Shields 

RE: What does it mean to be a Christian in Britain today? 

PSHE: Being me in my world 

Music: Charanga

PE: Swimming and Cricket 




Lion Class Reminders 

  • Homework will be sent home on Thursday and is expected back in the following Tuesday. All work will need to be completed in homework books. We will mark the homework in class together. If you are struggling with any part of the homework please pop a note on Class Dojo or in the homework book and I will discuss it with your child during the school day. 
  • Reading at home is very important and should be completed daily. All children should try to discuss their books with someone at home. Please make sure to record any reading in your child's reading record so that we can see their progress. 
  • This term we have swimming on a Friday. Please ensure hair is tied back and earrings are taken out. All swimming bags must be named too.
  • PE will be on a Monday and Swimming on a Friday. Please ensure hair is tied back and earrings are taken out. 
  • Forest School sessions will be posted on Class Dojo!




Here are some websites that may be useful for learning at home. (lots of printable ideas and activities free at the moment) (great maths resources and learning clips for daily maths activities) (great maths challenges) (spelling games)

Books for Year 3 children aged 7-8 | School Reading List (lots of good ideas for books)



Thank you, we are looking forward to a great year! 


















